RUG – Ealing, London – 25/09/2013

Revelation Software Ltd UK will be hosting their next annual Revelation User Group (RUG) meeting on Wednesday 25th September 2013 at the Hilton Doubletree Ealing, London.  This event is open to all Revelation developers and users, as well as developers of other supported MultiValue tools. As our premier event on the Revelation UK calendar we shall be including numerous benefits to you such as: FREE tuition, networking, insight into the highly anticipated launch of OpenInsight 10.0.

OpenInsight is one of the leading application development toolsets for building modern software solutions to run on desktop, web, mobile, virtual environments and more.  Tightly coupled with several MultiValue databases, as well as supporting SQL databases, OpenInsight provides developers with a powerful fully integrated toolset that frequently shortens development times and eases support for deployed systems.

This RUG will focus on Revelation Software, Inc. (current position and plans for the future).  We will take a look at the ground breaking version 10 release and what it will mean for your application (something not to miss if you are already using OpenInsight).

In addition, Mike Ruane (President and CEO of Revelation Software) will be holding a FREE hands-on O4W workshop.  Bring along your wireless laptop, a copy of OpenInsight 9.4, plug into our ‘class in a box’ network and server and experience the power of this leading MultiValue web development technology as Mike takes you through the product.

Places are limited by the room that we have booked for the day, so please contact to reserve your place before they all go – Please DON’T simply turn up on the day as you’ll be regretfully turned away.  With an agenda like this, places won’t be available for long. The day shall also include Tea/Coffee, Pastries for breakfast and a two course lunch.

Proposed Agenda (Subject to change without prior notice)

09.30 – 10.00  Arrival (Tea/Coffee/Pastries)
10.00 – 11.00  Company Update, OI 9.4 and plans for the future (MR)
11.00 – 11.15  Mid morning coffee break
11.15 – 12.45  OpenInsight 10 Project Update (CP)
13.00 – 14.00  Lunch
14.15 – 15.15  O4W Hands-On Workshop (MR)
15.15 – 15.30  Afternoon coffee break
15.30 – 16.30  O4W Hands-On Workshop (MR)

Please remember to bring your wireless enabled laptop for the O4W training workshop in the afternoon.

IMPORTANT- You will need to pre-register for this event as places are limited.