MyESS goes mobile

myess-mobileIt has been quite sometime since I first helped to take Ardbrook’s data onto the web with a fledgling O4W based application to illustrate an idea.  Bill and the team took what I had built, developed it further and commercialised it as a product ready for release to their customer base and new clients.

With numerous extremely high profile clients now using the ESS system, the team at Ardbrook have taken the solution one step further into the mobile world.  They have now released a wonderful mobile application that runs on your Android or iOS based smartphone.

The application enables employees to gain access to their current payslip from anywhere and at any time.  Furthermore, the solution provides access for past payslips and also copies of the employee’s P60, both going back over numerous years.

This is a really nice looking solution that empowers employees, whilst at the same time reducing admin for the Human Resources departments.  It is also perfect for payroll bureaux’s and large or small businesses alike.

If you would like to know more and see the application in action, please click here for their short demo video (includes sound).

From small acorns, grow great solutions.

ardbrookmyeeeArdbrook’s myESS has gone mobile and it’s providing users with a smart way to access their payslips.

Sometime ago, I sat and wrote a proof of concept application over a weekend.  I needed to learn a little more about O4W and as usual I wanted something real to work on, it is so much more rewarding than simply working through a quick start guide and it has you thinking outside of the box at times.  The task of choice on this occasion was an Employee Self Service system using Ardbrook’s largely desktop based payroll system.

The guys at Ardbrook kindly sent me a copy of the system and some test data and I set to work.  I needed a little help from RevUS to create a formatted report using OIPI which would hook into O4W, but the proof of concept quickly came together and I arranged an on-line demo for Ardbrook with no real expectations.

A short while after the demo, I was on a plane over to Ireland and to talk about the proof of concept in more detail.  Long story short, Bill and the team took what I started, extended it and fully commercialised it.  It is now becoming a raving hit and doing very well indeed.

Jump forward to this morning and into my inbox pops an email from Ardbrook and a link to their latest YouTube video and a demo of their true mobile solution.  I knew that it was coming and they were running the application as an Android application on Android phones and that an iPhone application was following, but this video shows that application in all of its glory.

The  video shows the application working on a mobile phone and it looks really nice.  It is slick and easy to use whilst providing users with exactly what they want to see in one of the most convenient places.  No wonder staff from some of the largest IT companies in the world are choosing to use this new offering from Ardbrook.

Click here to see the video.
Click here to find out more about Ardbrook.

Reporting just got a whole lot faster.

A couple of weeks ago Sprezzatura blogged about their new report viewer which is now part of S/List and which dramatically reduces the time taken to produce reports for preview.

I had a nice little demo in which i could show the difference between running a List statement in the OpenInsight .net print engine and the new Sprezzatura Viewer. However, to get even more speed S/List is now configured to only operate with the new Sprezz Report Viewer.

Fortunately, I was so amazed by the results I took a video of the comparison and I’ll gladly take you through the video using a WebEx session if you drop me a line.  We can then also try running one of your reports (List Statements) against your data file and see what a difference it makes.

The new version of S/List is now being tested by a couple of key S/List users and reports that are coming back are more than favourable.  For example: “WOW!!! S/List Express is fast. For example in a 6000+ employee database one report that previously took 2 min 57 sec now runs in 43 sec!”.

If you are running OpenInsight version 9.x (sorry S/List Express does not work with version 8.0.8 and prior) and you’d like super fast column based reporting then drop me a line and we’ll see what S/List Express can do for you.

ISV Catalogue and General Discussion Forum

As many of you will know, the WORKS discussion forum has been O4W driven for sometime.  That same format has now been used to rebuild the open discussion forum on using O4W.  I really like the new format and I hope that you also find it better than the old Lotus Notes solution.

Continuing with the O4W theme and the US website, Revelation have also rewritten and updated their ISV Catalogue using the O4W toolset.  I am currently working on updated product information for the Sprezzatura Freeware and other chargeable utilities that we offer for the catalogue and Revelation are also offering any OpenInsight VAR the opportunity to have their OpenInsight based application/s listed on the page.  Please contact should you wish to have your application featured.

Maintenance Management Software for Mobile Devices

Megamation Systems Adapts Its Maintenance Management Software for Mobile Devices Using Revelation’s O4W

The DirectLine SaaS app now allows workers to access and transmit information on-the-go, using smartphones and tablets.
By Joyce Wells, DBTA

SMARTPHONES, tablets, and other handhelds are changing the way companies do business.  And when these revolutionary devices can be combined with existing tried-and-true software for evolutionary change, as opposed to ripping and replacing, the results are even better.

Founded in 1984, and based in Oakville, Ontario, Canada with offices in New York State and the U.K., Megamation Systems provides enterprise asset and maintenance management services through its DirectLine brand to help
organizations monitor every aspect of their physical infrastructure.  In particular, Megamation targets its offerings at schools, universities and colleges, as well as the food services, healthcare, and manufacturing industires.  Its software includes customized forms and checklists outlining and documenting procedures for on-demand and preventive maintenance for facilities and equipment. Read on…

>New Look Sprezz!!

>As I am sure may of you will have noticed, Sprezzatura have uploaded their new look web site. Whilst more content will be added over the next few weeks, I would urge anyone involved with OpenInsight development to subscribe to their brand new Sprezzatura Tech Blog.

I have moved the Sprezzatura blog link and David’s tech blog to the top of the links on my blog. Please let me know of any other blogs that you find useful with regards to developing with Revelation and I’ll include those in the link list as well.