How To Deploy OpenInsight 10 To Your Customers

How To Deploy OpenInsight 10 To Your Customers


Deployment in OpenInsight 10 is significantly different from prior versions.  Because system information is now encrypted on a per-system basis, you must tell the copy of OpenInsight 10 that you are changing the serial number (which is used in the encryption process) ‘before’ you change it.  Failure to do this will result in a system that cannot be accessed (until you put the original serial number back into the system).

The steps to making a deployment as you want are as follows:

  1. Request, and receive, the new authorisation code from Revelation Software with the new serial number and new number of users.
  2. In your “master” OpenInsight 10 system, in SYSPROG, go to the Settings/Users/Policy Setup menu choice in the IDE.
  3. In the policy configuration window, check the box “System Deployment Preparation” and press the OK button.
  4. In the Serial Number Entry dialog that appears, enter (and re-enter to verify) the new serial number you obtained from Revelation Software and press the OK button.
  5. Remove or change as appropriate the REVPARAM file from the cloned copy of OpenInsight before deployment.
  6. Clone your copy of OpenInsight.

On the client system, your steps will be as follows:

  1. Copy in the cloned copy of OpenInsight.
  2. Update the license information with the new authorisation code/serial number/number of users (see below).
  3. Run the clientsetup.exe routine found in your OpenInsight 10 folder.

At this point, your client’s copy of OpenInsight should be ready to run.

To update the license information, you have two choices.  In the cloned copy of OpenInsight, you can start up the system with your ‘original’ authentication (just by starting up OpenInsight normally), and then go to the Settings/Application Settings menu in the IDE, and choosing “License Renewal”.  You will be prompted to enter the new authorisation code, and (after confirming that the entered information is correct) you can save the new authorisation information, shut down OpenInsight, and restart OpenInsight.  You’ll find that the system is now running with the new serial number/number of users.

Alternatively, if you wish to ship out systems without your authorisation file in it, you can use the (non-GUI) routine to create the new authorisation file.  This step can be done on your ‘master’ copy of OpenInsight, before deployment to the client system.

Open up a DOS command prompt, and “cd” to your OpenInsight 10 folder.  Type in the following:


Where <authcode> is replaced with the authentication code you received from Revelation Software (which I believe you can put in quotes).  So for example, you will type something like this:

REVAUTH OI "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" CLIENT.LIC

If there are any errors, revauth will respond with “Invalid code entered: <errcode>”. Otherwise, it will create a valid license file named CLIENT.LIC.  Take that CLIENT.LIC file, and copy it into your “cloned” system, RENAMING IT TO REVENGINE.LIC.  This will then become the license/authentication information for the “cloned” copy, and you should then be able to install that copy as outlined above.

Please remember to run the clientsetup.exe after copying in the cloned copy.

First published on

New Create User Details function

RTI_CREATE_USER_DETAILS function for OpenInsight 10.0.5 and above.


OpenInsight 10 provides support for login policies including locking out of users after a definable number of unsuccessful attempts, password construction requirements, etc. Sensitive data for policy and user information is stored in AES encrypted records.  Policies and users are maintained via the OpenInsight 10 IDE.

OpenInsight 10.0.5 and above introduces a new function called RTI_CREATE_USER_DETAILS that allows developers the ability to create a new user or modify information about an existing user in the OpenInsight database.

Description: Creates a new user or modifies information about an existing user in the current database.

Note:  Only Level 1 (Administrator) and Level 2 (System Administrator) users can create users. Level 0 (User) users can only change their own, existing information.

Syntax: RTI_CREATE_USER_DETAILS(userID, currentPwd, userpassword, fullName, validValue, disabledFlag, disabledDate, disabledTime, resetFlag, userType, userLevel, o4wLevel, expirval, expirdate, errDetails)

Return: “1” if the create or edit succeeded
Value: “” or “0” if the create or edit failed, and additional details are returned in the errDetails parameter.

Parameters: The function has the following parameters.


Parameter Description
userID A user identifier. userID must begin with an alpha character, followed by any combination of characters, digits, and underscores and cannot include spaces.
currentPwd If enhanced authentication is enabled on this OpenInsight system, then a User-level user who wishes to change any user information must pass in the current password in this parameter. This allows the system to verify that they are authorised to make changes to this user information.
userpassword The new password for this user. If enhanced authentication is enabled, then the password must match the specified authentication policy. If legacy authentication is used instead, the password must be a string of characters, 6 to 20 characters in length, and – if not specified – the default is null, and a password is not required to access the database as this user.
fullName The full name of the user.
validValue This is a user-defined parameter that allows the developer to specify additional information that they would like returned if the user’s logged-in state is queried (for example, to implement additional permission levels and groups). By default, this value is “1”.
disabledFlag If enhanced authentication is enabled on this OpenInsight system, then if set (value is “1”), the user will be disabled; if it is reset (value is “0”), the user will no longer be disabled. If the user is disabled, pass in the additional disabledDate and disabledTime parameters.
disabledDate If enhanced authentication is enabled on this OpenInsight system, and the disabledFlag has been set, this parameter specifies the internal date that the user is disabled until.
disabledTime If enhanced authentication is enabled on this OpenInsight system, and the disabledFlag has been set, this parameter specifies the internal time that the user is disabled until.
resetFlag If this parameter is set (“1”), the user must reset their password at the next login.
userType If this user should only be allowed to access the OpenInsight desktop interface, specify “0” for this parameter. If this user should only be allowed to access OpenInsight via O4W, specify “1” for this parameter. If the user should be able to access both desktop and O4W instances, specify “2” for this parameter.
Userlevel If the user is defined as an OI user, or as both an OI and O4W user, specify the OI permissions level here. There are three levels of users. When the user is logged in, the value is stored in the system variable @ADMIN.

There is no default value for Userlevel. If you do not specify a value, execution fails, and an error is generated.

Value Description
0 User
1 Administrator
2 System Administrator
o4wLevel If the user is defined as an O4W user, or both an O4W and OI user, specify the O4W permissions level here. The valid values for O4W permission groups are customisable on a per-site basis.
expirval Expiration parameter for the password. Possible values are:
Value Description
0 Expires at next login
1 Never Expires (default)
2 Expires at the expiry date
expirdate If expirval = 2, the expiration date (passed as a standard output converted date in a format such as mm/dd/yyyy).  Only required if expirval = 2. Note that this value is only relevant when legacy authentication is used on the OpenInsight system; if enhanced authentication is enabled, expiration will be as per policy.
errDetails If any errors are encountered during the execution of this function, they are returned in this parameter.


OpenInsight 10.0.5 now available for download.

OI10whiteOpenInsight 10.0.5 is now available in both full install and upgrade options from the WORKS subscriber area on

OpenInsight 10 is Revelation Software’s flagship product that provides modern application development tools for both desktop and web (mobile) based solutions.  With everything on one box, the tool-set is fully integrated to enable very fast and cost effective application development and deployment.  With Git features built right into the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the tools support individual developers right up to multi-disciplined teams spread across countries around the world.

To find out more about the enhancements in this latest release, please click here for the  OpenInsight 10.0.5 Change Log.

To get a copy of the OpenInsight 10.0.5 evaluation and access to the OpenInsight Quick Start Guide videos, please click here.


OpenInsight 9.4 “Roll Up” Patch v5.1 released

OpenInsight 9.4

Revelation have recently released a brand new roll up patch for OpenInsight, taking the series to version 9.4.4.

This patch includes additional fixes to RTP16 (xlate), all the patches and fixes from the previous “Roll Up” patches, as well as:

  • An updated datatbl.dll and oinsight.exe to fix changes in how Windows displays forms.
  • A fixed DICT_MFS_BUILD to ensure that associated group names are included when a dictionary’s %FIELDS% record is rebuilt.
  • A fixed RTP16 (XLATE) to restore previous functionality when explicitly passing a null in parameter 5.
  • An enhancement to OIPI (VSPRINTER1) to improve performance.

After installing this patch, your system will report that it is running version 9.4.4.

This zip file contains an updated RevelationDotNetSetup.msi, RevelationDotNetSetup.exe, revjapi.dll, OESocketServer.jar, OInsight.exe and an OpenInsight RDK, for use in OpenInsight 9.4.0 systems.

This patch replaces the original “Roll Up” Patch v1 released on March 3, 2016, the second “Roll Up” Patch v2 released on March 8, 2016, the “Roll Up” Patch v3 released on June 13, 2017, and the “Roll Up” Patch v4 (and v4_1) released on January 5, 2018, and includes all the previous fixes for OpenInsight 9.4.

Works Members can download this patch from the Works Downloads section of our web site.

OpenInsight 10 named in DBTA’s 2019 Trend-Setting Products

You can call it the new oil, or even the new electricity, but however it is described, it’s clear that data is now recognised as an essential fuel flowing through organisations and enabling never before seen opportunities.  However, data cannot simply be collected; it must be handled with care in order to fulfil the promise of faster, smarter decision making.

More than ever, it is critical to have the right tools for the job.  Leading IT vendors are coming forward to help customers address the data-driven possibilities by improving self-service access, real-time insights, governance and security, collaboration, high availability, and more.

To help showcase these innovative products and services each year, Database Trends and Applications magazine looks for offerings that promise to help organisations derive greater benefit from their data, make decisions faster, and work smarter and more securely.

This year their list includes newer approaches leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation as well as products in more established categories such as relational and NoSQL database management, MultiValue, performance management, analytics, and data governance.

This year, Revelation Software are proud to have OpenInsight 10 featured in DBTA’s “Trend-Setting Products in Data and Information Management for 2019”.  You can view the full listing, featuring OpenInsight here.

Click HERE for Mike Ruane’s Product Spotlight on OpenInsight 10.