SRP Embracing OI10

We recently announced that we were quite busy porting our products to run in the OpenInsight 10 64-bit platform. For various reasons, it made sense for us to start working on SRP Utilities rather than any of our visual (i.e., ActiveX) products. At this time we are pleased to announce the general availability of SRP…

via SRP Utilities 2.0 Beta — SRP Update (Blog)

It is great to learn of people embracing the OI10 beta program and there are alot of good people doing some great testing of the software.  Today I learned that SRP have gone one further and they are getting ready to roll out their SRP utilities in both 32-bit and 64-bit, the latter (I believe) being available for OI10 beta testers.

The link above will take you to their blog posting about the release.

The OI10 project is really hotting up now.