Modernising the writing, debugging and management of Symbolic Code – Scheduled for OI 10.0.4.

youtubeoi10-e1529069260513.pngI was recently working on a new application and I came across an issue with one of my symbolic dictionary items.  The code was pretty simple, but not being a professional developer, I just could not see what the issue was.

Now, I would usually have dropped in a simple debug statement to see what variables were being set when and with what values.  This would have quickly told me where I had gone wrong in my code.  So, I dropped a Debug statement into my symbolic code, saved the table, ran the form and we dropped into the debugger.

Alas, no variable information is displayed in the debugger for the symbolic code and I was none the wiser for my efforts.  Back to the very simple Symbolic Code editor and I had to work things out for myself.  With only three lines of code, I actually managed to find the error pretty quickly, but just imagine if that was a 100 lines of code, a thousand lines of code or more – yes I have seen this on more than a few occasions.

I was talking to Bob Carten during one of our exploratory and (for me) learning sessions and I mentioned how difficult the symbolic editor is to work in.  He laughed and asked if I’d be interested in a new feature coming in OpenInsight 10.0.4 and which specifically addressed my issue.

In fact, Bob told me excitedly that this new method of writing symbolic code, opens up a whole host of other possibilities.  He touched on them, but I am afraid that he quickly left me scratching my head.  For example, why would you want to have a three part conversion, at least that’s what I think we were talking about?  Anyway, that’s for another time.

For now, you can see this new technique in my latest OI10 Quick Start Video which has just finished uploading to my YouTube channel.

Catch Up Time

Firstly, I am sorry for having been so quiet recently.  As many of you will know, I have been heavily involved with learning OpenInsight 10, planning and then producing the OpenInsight 10 Quick Start Videos.  I have now produced and published 46 individual lesson videos on my OpenInsight 10 YouTube Channel and I still have reporting and a few other topics to cover over the next few weeks.

However, I wanted to share some wonderful news that came to my attention a couple of weeks ago.  Every year Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) publish their annual industry awards and this year OpenInsight 10 was voted the Reader’ Choice Award Winner in the Best MultiValue Database category.  This is quite the accolade considering that OpenInsight 10 has only been released for a very short time and it is a very welcome acknowledgement of the fantastic work undertaken by Mike, Carl and the whole developer team at Revelation Software.

If you would like to experience OpenInsight 10 for yourself, please drop me a line via and I will get back to you as quickly as possible with details of the OpenInsight 10 evaluation.